Thursday 22 November 2012

Book Pre-review; First Thoughts - Debutantes by Cora Harrison

Hello all!

Here I am, having done all my homework, with nothing to do on a Thurday morning, and an interesting book to pre-review!

This is a new invention of mine - the pre-review ☺ Drum roll please!

So, my first impressions of this book.

It has a storyline that I naturally thought I would be attratcted to and interested in, given that it is set in the 1920s and is in the break in quite a turbulant time - post WW1 and pre-Great Depression. It is set in a time that appeals to me, however the 'season' in London, the floaty dresses and the 'girls should be seen and not heard' opinion is not what appeals. It is the beginnings of marrying for love, and starting to break away from the traditionally accepted social standings. A chance (although it took a long time to really take off) for women to become what they wanted to, be it a doctor, nurse, writer, film director, musician or simply to have the same opportunities as the men of the time.

I believe that although Women's Rights was discussed and campaigned for before the 20s, it really took off in this era, and became the standing point for women like the Pankhursts to really take the movement to the next level.

It starts quite tamely, and with quite a dull opening, I originally wondered if my first impressions of a book about the 20s had been wrong, and that they are not always a real image of life in this turbulent time.

I am glad to say, I was wrong.

As the book has continued, I have become wrapped in the lives of Daisy, Poppy, Rose and Violet, the sisters about whom this book is focused. I want to know who the mysterious woman, Elaine Carruthers, is, whose clothes were found perfectly preserved in a trunk in the loft, and how the girls' discovery of her existence will change their lives.

The book has drawn me in, even though I'm only on page 100, and I was surprised to see so many negative reviews on!

I'll be doing my full review later this week, but I thought a few of you may want to grab a copy of your own and read along with me. If you can, let me know what you think of this book as well ☺.

So far, I would give this book a 7/10

So, Byee!

Dayzee x

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